Şunun için tam çeviri sonucu bulunamadı الحيوانات المفضلة

Soru & Cevap
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Çevir İngilizce Arapça الحيوانات المفضلة

İlgili Sonuçlar

  • What's a liger?
    أنه تقريبا ً حيوانى المفضل -
  • * Dah, dah-dah, dah-dah, dah... * * You're my favorite beaver... *
    .. "أنت حيواني المفضل"
  • It's pretty much my favorite animal.
    انه حيواني المفضل
  • That's my favorite animal.
    .ذلك حيواني المفضل
  • Wolves are my favorite animal.
    الذئاب هي الحيوانات المفضلة عندي
  • And his favorite animal is the Loch Ness monster.
    و حيوانه المفضل هو وحش بحيرة نيس
  • (Mrs LaGambina) We were aII drawing our favorite animal. Lily was drawing a cat.
    الكل هنا يلون حيوانه المفضل - ليى ) تلون القطه )
  • We were all drawing our favorite animal. Lily was drawing a cat.
    الكل هنا يلون حيوانه المفضل - ليى ) تلون القطه )
  • You were my favorite animal in the program, by far.
    ،كنتِ حيواني المفضل في العرض .إلى حد بعيد
  • She was always my favourite when I was a kid... ...and now I see she's the most beautiful thing I ever saw.
    كان حيوانى المفضل عندما كنت صغيرا والاّن أرى أنها أجمل شىء رأيته فى حياتى